Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In Math the students have been learning so much about Measurement.  I have been amazed at all their little minds have grasped!  They have learned about the metric and U.S. customary system of measurement including centimeters, inches, feet, yards, meters, and kilometers.  They have also learned about area & perimeter.  Using the illustration of Perimeter Road going around Valdosta, the students quickly began to differentiate between area and perimeter knowing that we live inside Valdosta which represented the area, and Perimeter Road runs around Valdosta allowing the students to know that perimeter always means the distance around an object. 

The students began a review over this unit today and will complete the review tomorrow in class.  Students will be tested over Unit 9 on Friday, February 24th.

In Reading this week, we are reading one of our stories from our Text Talk series entitled, "Grandpa's Teeth" by Rod Clement. In this story a grandpa wakes up to discover his teeth have been stolen. He suspects that everyone in the town is guilty of stealing his teeth, so the townspeople must always smile to show their innocence. The students will read the story to solve the mystery of the stolen teeth this week. :) There will be NO spelling, vocabulary, comprehension, or language tests this week.

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