Friday, February 24, 2012

Back to our Regularly Scheduled Program

This week has been full of unit and benchmark assessments for the students and I have been so pleased with their results!  They have truly been working hard and doing a wonderful job!  Thankfully for them and for Ms. Callahan and myself we will get back to our routine as normal next week.  In Math, we will begin our study in unit 10 of decimals and place value.  In Reading, the students will begin unit 5 in our Reading Street series by reading "One Dark Night".  This means that on Friday the students will have their regularly scheduled tests (i.e. spelling, vocabulary, and language). 

Also beginning on Monday, Ms. Callahan will begin her solo teaching experience.  This is the time where her college professors advise her to have 4 weeks inside a classroom envioronment where she is given the opportunity to plan and implement instruction with the students. Ms. Callahan has been with us since the beginning of January and has proven herself and her ability as a natural teacher.  The students enjoy her and respond to her very well.  I look forward to the great experience that this is going to provide for her.   During this time, I will be in and out of the classroom helping with the instruction of our small groups. 

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