Monday, March 26, 2012

4 Days and Counting....

This week is a shortened 4 day week.  Therefore, we will not be reading a story out of our Reading Street series and will NOT have our regularly scheduled tests this week. We will be working on our benchmarks that come at the end of each unit.  In Math we will continue to work on skills including: change back, adding & subtracting money amounts, subtraction with regrouping, and multiplication.  We will have an addition & subtraction timed test on Wednesday morning.  There will be NO Home Links assigned this week but I will send home all necessary homework in the communication folder.  Please make it a point to practice the skills mentioned above at home with your child.  Thursday is Field Day and the kids are super excited!  This year it is beach themed so there will be water involved so teachers have been instructed to advise parents to send students in with a change of clothes, a towel, and shoes that are able to be wet.  We will also have lunch in the room on Thursday, and the lunchroom will provide sack lunches only so if your child would like something other than peanut butter & jelly you are more than welcome to send a lunch from home for them to enjoy.  We are looking forward to a great week!

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